
// April 12th, 2002 // Geeky Stuff, General

What’ve we got here?

Ooooh, it’s the keyboard I ordered from

I got it for my PS2 so that I could play UnrealTournament properly, alongside my USB mouse. What’s good about this keyboard is that it’s got a 2-port USB hub built in (Well, technically it’s really a 3-port USB hub with a keyboard taking up one of the ports, but who’s really fussed about that?) so that I can have all my PS2 hardware plugged in at once (Keyboard, Mouse, Line-in/Microphone and G-con2). It also works really well in YaBasic. It’s not extremely sensitive like the keyboard made especially for the PS2 by Datel (Boo!! – Ed). It also looks nicer than the Datel one, feels nicer, AND it was £10 cheaper. Not bad, eh?

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