Bloody hell!
// September 1st, 2002 // Diet, Geeky Stuff, General
Geeze, looks like I’ve totally neglected this diary thing! Oh well…
The holiday in Cyprus has been and gone, I’m getting ready to head back to Uni for my 2nd year, I’ve lost a shitload of weight on the Weight Watcher’s diet thingie (I’m 10st 12lbs last I checked, I check tomorrow at Helen’s), Nemo’s website’s launched and stuff, I’ve sat my exam resits for uni, I still haven’t been paid by my boss (I’m thinking of going on strike), and I’ve spent a fortnight at Helen’s while her folks were away on their holiday to America. That’s about it I think.
I’m off to carry on with my south park series 6 downloads 🙂
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