The Apple iPod and why I think people go mad about them
// October 16th, 2012 // 1 Comment » // Geeky Stuff, General
Anyone who knows me and reads my blog knows I’m what they call a Android “fanboi”. If given the choice over iOS and Android, I’d choose the latter every time. It’s boggled my mind how people can be so strong for Apple products when, for what they are, they are severely over-priced, have poor sound quality, lack connectivity, limits you to use proprietary software, and promotes slave labour.
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a “2nd generation” iPod Touch available for sale, second hand, for £30. It was only an 8Gb model – the lowest of those available for sale – and it was scratched and battered. Assured by the seller that it was in full working order, I decided to take the leap and buy it. I figured that it’d give me some proper experience with an iOS device without spending all my money, as well as give me another medium on which to test the Country Attire website on. At the very least, I could stick some music on it to listen to while I walk to work, saving vital battery power on my (Android) phone. The point of this blog post is to outline my experiences with (albeit, an earlier) iOS and share my conclusion. (more…)
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