Long shifts and full of cold!
// October 26th, 2007 // General
This week I’ve had to catch up with my holidays at work, by doing the occasional full-time shift. This happened because I’d taken three weeks off back when I was in the technical support department so I could focus on my final year project (which will be available on this site soon). Now that I’ve been moved to a department which makes outbound phonecalls, I’m over my holiday allowance because our holidays are allocated to days where we can’t legally call our customers (christmas, easter, bank holidays etc).
I’ve got four days to make up, and yesterday I did my 2nd day. I’ve got two more days to make up next week as well. It’s a real pain in the arse because barely anyone is availabe during the day, since they have better things to do. Still though, thanks to the handful of payments I got yesterday during the day, I managed to meet an incentive that we had going on, so I’ve won a prize! However, all the prizes I’ve won in the past through incentives have been terrible. My team leader insists that I haven’t won yet another mini bag of Haribo, but I have to wait until Tuesday to find out what it is. It’s probably a slightly larger bag this time…
Oh, and I’m full of cold at the moment as well. I could feel it starting on Monday but it’s hit me with a vengance today. I wonder if it has something to do with going to the gym yesterday morning. They say that you shouldn’t go to the gym if you have a cold. It’s true that in some cases you need to sweat out a cold or a fever, but physical exercise is not the way to do it as it actually lowers your immune system which, of course, makes it worse. I’m taking vitamin suppliments at the moment in an effort to reduce the cold before Monday. I don’t want to be celebrating my 25th birthday with a bunged up nose…
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