Replacing your GH3 Wii disc in the UK
// April 17th, 2008 // Geeky Stuff, General
Everyone who got the Wii version of Guitar Hero 3 learnt that it didn’t output sound in Dolby Pro Logic II as promised on the back of the box. Instead they output sound in MONO instead!! This has been a bit of a pain for me, and I thought I could live with it… until I played my friend’s PS3 version. The sound quality was vastly superior, most likely down to the sound problem that all Wii copies have.
Still, Activision are offering to replace the discs with newly-written ones to fix the problem. Peeps in the US aren’t having a problem at all about this, but I’ve found on the net that most peeps in the UK don’t know they can swap their discs now as well. If you’re in the UK or Europe, just go to Activision’s Game Exchange website to get your disc changed. I’ve also added this link to the Guitar Hero III Wikipedia page, to help those who haven’t visited my site.
Just in case anyone asks… Activision estimate 3-6 weeks for delivery of your new disc, but they did say to me that it can differ depending on demand.
I’ve also seen on the ‘net that RedOctane are sending free faceplates to those who sent in their discs to sorta make up for the trouble caused. However, I just got off the phone with Activision and they say there’s currently no similar offer for those in the UK and Europe because RedOctane don’t ship overseas 🙁 However, they tell me they’re working on something to compensate us!
I’m waiting until after this weekend to send off my disc, cos I could very well be showing a friend of mine what the Wii version is like this weekend. I’m also a little anxious about the delivery time of the new disc. I’ve been playing GH3 practically every day and I’m right up to the final guitar battle in Expert against Lou! Not having the game for up to 6 weeks is going to be a pain! It wouldn’t be so bad if I knew someone else who had the game on the Wii cos then we’d just play Co-op mode in the meantime.
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